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Girls Who Code

Girls Who Code is a nonprofit organization founded by Reshma Saujani. GWC aims to support and empower young women in computer science. Their goal of closing the gender gap within the tech field has already made a difference. So far, the organization has reached 185,000 girls across the United States with almost 50% coming from historically underrepresented groups. Girls Who Code has helped hundreds of girls pursue a career in tech and is continuing to do so today.

The Coding Space

The Coding Space offers coding classes in New York City to students of all ages and skill sets. Classes are open to both boys and girls, but a program called GirlCode is specialized to teach code in an all-girl environment. The Coding Space seeks to give education to, provide tools for, and make technology accessible to everyone.

iD Tech

iD Tech is a program that hopes to start an education in STEM for kids and teens. Camps are available for a whole range of ages, 7 to 19. They have 150 USA locations and 5 global locations. iD Tech has classes with something for everyone: Java, Python, robotics, artificial intelligence, game design, app development, and so many more topics!

Online Resources


Free Code Camp

Khan Academy
